When harvest starts, for those farmers that do not hire someone else to harvest their grain, everyone in the family goes to work. Husbands, wives and any children old enough to operate equipment are called to the field to operate tractors, combines and trucks. Anyone not in the field helps prepare meals for the workers, wash clothes, run errands, or do anything else that needs to be done. Sometimes several generations will be working at the same time. Even the neighbors can be called in to help.
Matthew 9:37, "Then [Jesus] said to His disciples, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few."
When Jesus spoke these words, farmers of the time faced similar situations. Wheat is the crop that the nation of Israel would be most familiar with as it originated in the fertile crescent, which is located just north of Israel. It was grown throughout the land. Calamity was a much a threat to their crop as it is in modern times. The Jewish people would have understood Jesus' implied sense of urgency. He is saying that there is no time to waste. The crop is ready now.
He is also saying that everyone must contribute if the harvest is to be a success. Every man, woman and child that was able must be involved. If the harvest is to be a success many laborers are needed to perform the various tasks necessary to harvest, thrash and prepare the grain as well as perform the other tasks in support of these laborers.
Of course the harvest that Jesus was implying here is a spiritual one. He is saying that the spiritual harvest field can have a great yield, and that it is ready now, at this moment. Calamity (Satan) can come in at any time and destroy the crop. If we seek to have the maximum harvest we have to busy working. All of us as believers have to be diligent and work together to bring in the spiritual and eternal harvest. It is the only way to have a plentiful harvest.